Increase Productivity in Your Dental Office and Your Life

Dentistry is demanding and fast-paced. A hectic start to your day can crush your productivity at work, and it can carry over to your home life too.

Does the following scenario sound familiar?

The alarm goes off. Mad dash to breakfast, there’s no time to make lunch, looks like I’ll have to run out and grab something to eat, if I have enough time… What color scrubs do I wear today… Oh, NO! My scrubs are all wrinkled in the dryer… If I leave now and make all the stoplights, I might only be a couple of minutes late for the morning huddle…. What??? My first patient is here“early”? No time to get the rooms ready for the other patients… Looks like I’m coming in on Friday to get caught up. Wait, it’s only Tuesday? How did I get so behind?

“It’s good to be prepared for life as it is, but it is better to be prepared to make life better than it is.” Sargent Shriver

Organize Your Life to Increase Your Productivity at Work

We know how it is.

Dentistry is demanding. You have scheduled patients relying on you to be ready, on time, focused, and caring.

Plus, dentistry isn’t like traditional professions: you can’t check your personal e-mails between tasks, stop by the post office between appointments or make a phone call while you’re waiting for a meeting to start. Once you’re in the office, you’re “all in.”

Because of your demanding job and lack of downtime, it’s extremely important to have an organized schedule. It’s when there’s an issue with the schedule—or adapting to changes in the schedule—problems tend to arise.

Unsurprisingly, when you’re always rushing to keep up, your productivity nosedives. In short? You’re working more but getting less done.

The good thing news is that with a solid plan, not only for the day but also for what surprises might come your way, you’ll actually get more time back in your busy week.

Sounds nice, doesn’t it?

How would you like to:

  • Bring balance to your business and life?
  • Experience stress reduction?
  • Enjoy increased productivity?
  • Have more free time?

We can help you get there.

22 Time-Saving Habits for Dentists and Their Teams

Check out our list of 22 Time-Saving Habits, which we created specifically for dental professionals just like you. We’ll teach you how to organize your life, increase your productivity at work, and get time back each week. You’ll find a comprehensive plan to follow, plus a built-in accountability tool to help you create new habits.

In 22 Time-Saving Habits, you’ll start planning in the evening so you’ll be set up for success in the morning. You’ll then walk through some simple suggestions for increasing your productivity, while still managing to schedule in time for yourself throughout the day.

You’ll find simple tips and tricks to streamlining and organizing your dental practice, and your life:

  • Suggestions for building some stress-reducing exercise into your day
  • Preparing ahead of time in your personal life so you can live healthier during your work day
  • Setting boundaries, being present at work, and eliminating distractions that reduce productivity
  • Knowing your priorities and having the courage to say “no” to things that aren’t in line with those priorities

“Accountability breeds response-ability.” Stephen Covey

We know accountability is critical, so we’ve included several different types of accountability mechanisms for you, including:

  • A 2-week worksheet to document what you tried and how it made you feel
  • A daily checklist so you have all the timing-saving tips listed out ready to follow
  • A monthly tracker to gauge consistency and rate how these changes help you get back more time in your life.

Ready to increase productivity in your dental practice, and get more time back in your life?

Grab your copy of 22 Time-Saving Habits and begin your journey to a happier, healthier, and more productive life.